Croptracker - Blog

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported in its 2019-2028 Agricultural Outlook that strong growth opportunities are anticipated in high value fruit and vegetable crops throughout Latin America and the Caribbean within the decade. As demand for fresh produce from these regions increases, so does the need for refined data insight tools for growers and distributors alike. The Croptracker team is excited to facilitate enhanced efficiency and regulatory compliance to the South American fruit and vegetable market – particularly through our Harvest Quality Vision system that produces pre-sorting harvest insights without the huge, costly packline.

Colliding forces of uncertainty – climate change, COVID19 – hang above food production systems everywhere. And it makes mapping trends of market demand, value, and volumes increasingly more challenging. From this comes the ever-growing need for detailed analysis, to try and glean insights wherever possible along the supply chain, to offer the right irresistible produce for customers. Integrative tools like Harvest Quality Vision and Quality Control enable speedy, data-driven insights. Whether from the orchard, during transport, receiving, storage, to the sales admin stage of the chain, Croptracker’s cutting-edge visualization technology and flexible inspection reporting provide reassurance with precision.

How does a farm operation make the leap from one data management system to another? It might be best to change the current approach, but for some stakeholders, it’s not something to proceed with any time soon. So what might help everyone get on the same page about new tools?

As the need to verify production practices has increased, so has the need to log employee work activity. Croptracker’s Punch Clock module is designed specifically for the ag industry, which means having features that allow for flexible and relevant documentation of who accomplishes what tasks, and exactly where on the farm they do so.

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