What is a user?

A user is an individual with a unique login email and password combination to access both the Croptracker mobile and browser application. This individual is able to input or modify information, and generate reports. While a single user may be utilized to manage data across various farms, blocks, crews, etc., it is not permissible for this same login/license to be operated concurrently on multiple devices by different individuals.

What is a module?

A module is section of the Croptracker farm management software platform with a specific function. Modules allow users to customize Croptracker functions to suite their individual needs.

Can users have different modules?

Yes! For workflow efficiency, data protection and cost saving reasons, users within Croptracker can have distinct combinations of modules. For example, in order to accomodate their different roles on the farm, a spray manager may have only the spray module while a harvest crew supervisor could have the punch clock, harvest and production practice module. A supervising user or farm manager may have all 4 modules in order to oversee actions and generate reports on all information recorded.

Can I login to multiple devices at once using the same login?

The same user can be logged in on one mobile device and one browser device at a time. Users are not permitted to login on multiple devices at the same time for safety and security. As Croptracker mobile devices are able to record data offline, having many devices logging information under one user name can lead to data entry mistakes and there is an inability to audit who entered what information. Additionally, sensitive employee data and records can be compromised when user login information is shared.

Do you offer enterprise plans or multi-user discounts?

Yes! Contact support@croptracker.com for more information and to get started on your quote request. Croptracker sales and support staff work closely with growers of all sizes to make sure they get the most value for their organization.

Do you provide a volume discount for co-ops and associations?

Yes, we do! E-mail us at support@croptracker.com for a quote.

How do I get started?

Book a demo of our software and our sales team will build a custom quote and get you all set up.

I'm a member of the XYZ organisation which has a group subscription, how do I get started?

Write us at support@croptracker.com and we will get you up and running in no time.

What kind of support is available?

We offer one-on-one training and on boarding for all plans. You can also get in touch with our support team on weekdays 8am-8pm EST at 1-800-903-1492 or at support@croptracker.com. We also offer a comprehensive knowledge base and training videos that you can review whenever you need.

I am not very comfortable with technology - will I have trouble using Croptracker?

Croptracker is designed for individuals with little-to-no technical experience. We also offer comprehensive Support to help you every step of the way. We made Croptracker to take away headaches, not create them!

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept Visa and Mastercard. Please contact us if other payment methods are required.

Does Croptracker have payment plan options?

The majority of Croptracker users subscribe to individual modules on an annual basis which is the most cost-effective solution. For those seeking greater flexibility or wishing to trial the software, monthly subscription options are also available at a premium rate.

Can I trial Croptracker?

Croptracker does not offer a free trial however, we do offer monthly subscriptions for those who wish to try before committing to a yearly subscription. Croptracker’s sales process involves live product demos where custom workflows can be tested together. Croptracker support staff will work closely with users to determine the best workflow for all users before sale and during onboarding so you can be sure it will work for you.

What do I need to use Croptracker? or What devices is Croptracker available on?

Croptracker requires no special equipment to access. Most computers and mobile devices can access Croptracker. The Croptracker mobile iOS app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch and requires iOS 9.0 (released September 2015) or later. The Croptracker mobile Android app requires 4.1 (released July 2012) or later. The Croptracker browser applicationworks best with Chrome browser.

Does Croptracker offer customization or software development services?

Our development team is ready to tailor your software experience to your unique needs with custom development. If feature requests align with Croptracker development goals, changes will be made free of charge. If requested changes are singular to the customer, software development will prompt a customization fee. A quote will be issued and confirmed with the customer for these types of requests.

Does Croptracker have an API for integration with other software platforms?

Yes, Croptracker offers API access and documentation as subscription. Technical support from our dev team to help customers connect their various systems with Croptracker is also available if needed. Contact support@croptracker.com for more information.

Can I export data from Croptracker?

For sure! Croptracker reporting can be exported in CSV, Excel or PDF formats as needed. Croptrackers has hundreds of configurable reports to support users unique data formatting.

Does Croptracker work with barcode scanners?

Definitely! Croptracker is able to read information from bluetooth connected barcode scanners that have ‘keyboard wedge mode’. This is a standard feature on most barcode scanners but feel free to contact support@croptracker.com if you are looking to confirm this feature before buying.

What languages is Croptracker available in?

Croptracker is currently available in English and Spanish.

How secure is my data?

All Croptracker accounts use SSL-encrypted connections, which is the same level of security used by online banks. You never send or receive sensitive information in plain-text. Additionally, industry-standard physical and remote security is administered at data center facilities.

How do I know Croptracker won’t lose any of my data?

We have multiple back-up systems in place to protect your data from getting lost. An encrypted backup occurs every hour and gets replicated on servers in 3 different continents.

Do I need to back-up my data?

Nope, Croptracker regularly executes backups so you don’t have to.

Who owns the information I upload?

You do. Croptracker cares deeply about protecting the privacy of the data you entrust to us and don’t assume ownership of a single byte.

Don't see your question here?

Get in touch with us anytime using the chat window, emailing support@croptracker.com or call our office 1-800-903-1492*

(*Monday - Friday, 8am - 8pm EST)