Croptracker - Blog

As supply shortages in grocery stores have become the norm over the past few weeks, questions about food security and sovereignty are changing how we think about our food. In highly urbanized areas, the disconnect between consumers and their food supply is vast, and the increasing geographical divide between cities and the farms that feed them mean that our food has to travel from further and further away to reach our store shelves. Pitfalls of traditional farming practices are becoming more evident as the COVID-19 crisis puts pressure on our supply chain. In some areas, urban farms and indoor growing facilities may be the solution.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, questions about food security are at the forefront of consumer consciousness, and while supplies may be abundant, experts suggest that increased logistical challenges are on the way.

Croptracker is always growing: let's take a look at some of our new features this month.


Herbicide resistance occurs when, as the same herbicide or herbicide groups are applied each year, weeds and undesirable plants begin to adapt and develop a resistance to the herbicide. This development of resistance is an example of a fast paced evolutionary change through natural selection. As the same herbicide is applied year after year, resistant plants are naturally selected and survive to the next year. The resistant weeds will spread (as weeds do) and eventually herbicide resistant plants dominate the whole population. A weed population is defined as resistant when a herbicide loses effectiveness. While there is no explicit standard, a 20% survival rate after application is often used. Herbicide resistance is considered permanent in weeds and their subsequent offspring.