Croptracker - Blog

High value, labour-intensive crops require special conditions and careful management for a successful season. Often the success of high-value crops comes down to small decisions about production and treatments. Proper documentation and farm record keeping are necessary to know what worked, and what didn’t. The margins are slim and every small increase in yield goes a long way.

In a rapidly evolving situation, it’s safe to say the world is watching the news. Amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world are increasing border security and restricting access to non-citizens.

As more restaurants and businesses close and consumer anxieties rise, do consumers need to be worried about contracting COVID-19 from their groceries? Experts say that there is no evidence that fresh produce (or any other foods) can transmit the coronavirus.

Croptracker is always growing: let's take a look at some of our new features this month.