Croptracker - Blog

Last week, on the eve of Australia's berry season, a vicious wave of food terrorism struck the country.  One man was hospitalized and several more narrowly escaped injury from eating strawberries injected with knitting needles.

One of Croptracker's chief goals is improving safety in the produce industry, not only for consumers but for the growers and farm workers who feed them.  The global agriculture industry's injury and illness rates are some of the highest in the world, so improving the way our software facilitates worker safety is a priority we're dedicated to pursuing.

Recent research has indicated that self-esteem is linked to consumer's likeliness to buy blemished or otherwise less-than perfect fruits and vegetables. In a study published by Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business, buying "unattractive" produce was shown to negatively affect shoppers' self-image, which therefore makes them less willing to purchase it as opposed to more attractive - albeit equally safe - produce.

The USDA has announced plans to discontinue the use of an insensitive term as a size grade.  

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