Auditing season means a lot of paperwork - cut down on paper records by recording your data in Croptracker. When auditing time comes, generate reports at the touch of a button.
Maximize traceability and maintain a detailed history of employees, production sites, and products.
Create reports and generate audit checklists with the GAP audits module
Record building assessments, worker safety information, site hygiene assessments and employee training.
Perform a self audit at anytime with Croptracker's 20+ GlobalGAP reports.

Be Prepared
Access your records in seconds from anywhere with our cloud based farm audit app.
Generate 80+ reports in formats auditors and food safety inspectors need.
Print, email, or export reports to share with teams and inspectors.
Save Time
Populate your reports automatically from your events throughout the year.
Shave days off the auditing process.
Lose the spreadsheets and eliminate the hassle of storing and retrieving paper records with farm audit software.
Enhance Traceability
Easily review traceability and recall plans with the mock recall report.
Qualify for global food safety certifications like Global Good Agricultural Practices (GlobalGAP).
Automatically generate 20+ GlobalGAP reports - perform a self audit any time!
Using Croptracker over the last two years we have seen substantial buy in from our 40 farms, and from our SQF auditor. Technical support has been excellent, the learning curve short, and resulting information very useful."
- Bill Cusack, Scotian Gold Co-operative Ltd