Croptracker - Blog

Some users use the Punch Clock's Kiosk mode in the Croptracker app to set up a stationary device where employees can badge themselves in and out.  It's good to know how to "lock" this device so that no one unauthorized can navigate away from the app page.  Here's how to achieve this so that your Croptracker app and rest of your device remains secure.

It's almost Spring Training Day!  Are you a member of the Ontario Apple Growers or Ontario Tender Fruit Growers and attending our workshop on Wednesday, March 7th?

Piecemeal pay is a powerful motivator, but it's not without its barriers to implementation.  Is it worth it, and how can you make it work without wasting time on complex calculations?

Another year, another great Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention!

As always, the trade show was an exciting and insightful couple of days.  It was great to catch up with current Croptracker clients and meet lots of new growers.  We loved getting to chat with you all, and we came away with several ideas on how we can make Croptracker even better!

It was also an honour to be the subject of berry growers Ellen Jennen of Jennen Family Farm Market and Brian Rijke of Dentz Orchards & Berry Farm's talk Growers' Experiences with Croptracker; in which they discussed their set-up processes, growing pains, and success with the software.  We would like to thank them for taking the time to share their experiences with OFGVA members and are delighted they have had such positive experiences with Croptracker.  We look forward to seeing their farms thrive into the future!

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Let our expert staff walk you through the Croptracker system, and answer any questions you have.

We are here to help.

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