Croptracker - Blog

With the global population reaching 7.7 billion as of 2019, sustainable farming is taking center stage in the agriculture technologies industry. More focus has been placed by governmental and international bodies to achieve “sustainable intensification” in agriculture. Creating more sustainable farming practices increasingly requires adopting new technologies that help with crop management, pest control, quality control, and integrated disease management.

2018 saw major breakthroughs in the Cannabis and Hemp farming industries with the introduction of The Hemp Farming Act in the U.S. and the Bill-C45 Cannabis Act in Canada.

Croptracker is always growing: let's take a look at some of our new features this month.

The concern for the health of the environment seems to grow larger every day. Waste from packaging is a major contributor to environmental degradation. In agriculture, waste is accrued in every step of the process. The demands of the public and the planet call for dramatic changes in these processes.

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