Croptracker - Software Updates

Software Updates Archive

New Feature(s)

  • FT-5987 - Public Audit TrailWorklogs

    This feature allows users to view a change history to certain data points throughout the system.

New Feature(s)

  • FT-5948 - OAuth AuthenticationiOS App

    This feature allows users to login to the mobile apps for extended periods without having to re-enter their credentials.

  • FT-5756 - iOS - Work crew select is empty on employee edit screen

    When adding or editing an employee, the list of work crews was empty under some conditions.

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2882 - Punchclock Admin - Adjust records - ability to edit the Event on the record as bulk update

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2702 - Production Practice - ability to retrospectively amend the piecerate attached to a worklog

  • FT-6001 - Daily Piecework Report Workcrew Filter

    The Daily Piecework Report's workcrew filter now works correctly.

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2843 - Pieces reporting - Harvest Piecemeal Pay - Production Practice

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2843 - Pieces reporting - Harvest Piecemeal Pay - Production Practice

  • TSD-2946 - Remove Rate from piece adjust

    When adjusting pieces, the rate is now applied from the Piece Rate field.

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2873 - Specify which part of tree to spray

  • TSD-2885 - Print spray - equipment information not coming from the spray

  • TSD-2936 - Event No. not attaching to Worklogs

  • TSD-2935 - Edit Worklogs and trying to remove Event and not working

New Feature(s)

  • FT-5746 - Field Map - show farm

    Added 'Show' option to farms, which will zoom in or out to show all blocks in the farm.

  • TSD-2652 - Harvest Advanced PermissionsiOS App

    This feature allows organisations to control which users can record and manage harvest events to certain areas of their operation.

  • TSD-2887 - NEW - Spray - when select Rows when creating the spray instruction - the whole Block (PCR) is selectedmapping

  • FT-5975 - Rows reparented to newer blocks don't appear in 'by farm' selector

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2897 - "Pieces" is restricted to 100 entries

  • TSD-2908 - Production Practice Event - Archiving functionality

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