The quality of your fruit is the most important factor in getting paid. The right size and quality to the right buyer will get you the best price for your hard work.

Assessing the quality of your fruit is a slow process that requires lots of labor in order to determine the size of your fruit and how much of each size is mixed into bins.

Another problem is organizing paper documents of pre-existing processes such as quality control. A buyer may claim a fruit shipment does not meet their standards, but to support your own claims you have to dig through thousands of quality control records. You also have to try to keep them organized, which means you lose money on time and labor. Croptracker is here to help with your fruit quality and your record keeping needs.

Croptracker’s Fruit Quality Detector

Croptracker recently released our Harvest Quality Vision (HQV) 3.0 module. HQV 3.0 functions as a fruit quality detector. It is able to accurately determine the size of fruits and vegetables from a simple scan using a mobile device and our own fruit size detection technology.

In the time it takes to move a phone or tablet around a bin, you will have captured extremely accurate size data for hundreds of fruits. To measure the same amount of fruits by hand, it would take hours to measure and record.

Conveniently fruits can be scanned offline in the field and then uploaded when there is a wifi or mobile data connection. With HQV’s fruit size detector you can save money in labor and spend time that is saved making sure your fruits get to the right buyer.

Croptracker’s Quality Control App Tool

Our HQV system can also be combined with quality control systems that can be linked into any scan to fulfill your fruit quality app needs. Croptracker’s quality control app tool is a standalone module that can be linked to HQV. It can also function offline and connecting it to the internet will allow you to safely store your quality information with Croptracker. Quality metrics like brix, pressure, starch, dry matter and defects can be easily recorded in our Quality Control Tool.

All records of defects can be saved before fruits are shipped, stored or sold. There is always a traceable record and these records can be shared with buyers if they have any concerns about the quality of your fruits. With Croptracler’s quality control tool, you are in control of quality assurance. Rejected shipments, fines or other issues with large food corporations will be reduced because you have all of the proof stored and shareable in Croptracker’s secure systems.

Simply book a demo and we will get you set up with HQV 3.0, Quality Control or both modules in our fruit quality app. Once you get started, you will begin saving time, money and have the peace of mind knowing you can access your information at any time.

Croptracker develops agtech solutions for industry leaders. Located in Eastern Ontario, Canada, our mission is to make crop production safer, more efficient, and more profitable. Designed in partnership with fresh market producers and distributors, every tool we create is based on direct industry feedback. Croptracker’s award-winning farm software optimizes recordkeeping, labor tracking, production and cost management. Our integrative Harvest Quality Vision technology offers instant empirical analysis of crop samples exactly when you need it. Optimize your harvest season with Croptracker’s customizable solutions. Visit to learn more about our products and contact us for a about app based solutions.